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Cool Clickers

Lesson length: 45 minutes

Intended age group: 4 – 6 years




Bricks Lab

Age group: 6-10 years

Lesson length: 75 minutes



Bricks Experts

Lesson Length: 75 minutes

Age group: 10 – 12 years, or graduates from the Bricks Lab program



Intended age range: 9 – 12 years OR graduates of one of the DaVinciBricks mechanical engineering programs

Lesson length: 60 minutes/90 minutes

Robot College

Lesson length: 90 minutes

Intended age range: 12 – 15 years

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Edutainplus has partnered up with DaVinciBricks (DVB). DVB is a globally renowned education program, focusing on STEM (science, technology, english and math). The primary goal of DVB is to produce engineers for the future, in a world of fast developing and improving in technology.




Edutain Plus 

Lulu Express Building

Gharrafat Ar-Rayyan

Doha - Qatar



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